And gotten a blogspot.
I've always thought blogging was, essentially, narcissistic. That it was based primarily on the assumption that people were interested in you, your thoughts, your feelings, etc. And so for a long time I rejected blogging, social networking sites, twitter, etc. But... I'm slowly caving in. It started with giving in to facebook and myspace and those oh-so-tempting status updates. And now, I am taking the next step, and starting a blog. Oh, god. However, my negative feelings towards blogs have reduced a bit. Although many blogs are no doubt based on an assumption that a person is more interesting than they really are, maybe that confidence isn't a bad thing. Maybe, over time, it actually DOES make that person more interesting, simply by virtue of their increased confidence and willingness to express their ideas and experiences. Who knows.
At the very least, blogs are certainly helpful in connecting with people you already know, and will help me to continue writing on a regular basis. So, why not?
El Fin.