Friday, October 1, 2010

Thought I posted this before, but apparently I didn't, so.... Backtrack!  Thank goodness for date adjustments.  (Ari, 12/10/2010)

So, I'm turning in my ridiculously long applications for 上智大学 (Sophia University) on Monday.  I had to get photos, a physical, letters of recommendation, write an essay, and fill out about 30 pages of forms... but all I have to do now is go by Kaiser to get the result of my TB test, and then I'm DONE.  And then... I wait.  Supposedly I hear back from them in January, which is a terrifyingly long time.  I really, REALLY hope I get in.  I mean, I can't imagine them not letting me in.  But there's always that chance... >_<  So, I get to hold my breath for 3-4 months!  Yay!

Pics of my crazy lotta forms:

Also, BPN is KILLING my budget with their sale.  I have now bought... 8 things there in a month and a half.  Jesus christ.  But everything is so cute, and usually I can never buy anything there because I can't rationalize spending so much... but at 50% off it's soooo easy.  I'll post pics soon of my conquests.  Everything is awesome, and I can wear them comfortably all the time.  So I figure it's worth it.

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